The buy knowledge of bathroom mirror

Release Time:2013-10-23 < < Returns List

Compared with ordinary mirror, bath mirror to achieve the "three": waterproof, anti rust, anti fog. The mirror reflects the image of the far view seems to be very clear, but careful observation in the vicinity tend to have small deformation and vanity, this is mainly because the mirror body inhomogeneous coating. In addition, the ordinary mirror if long time placed in damp places mirror will become dull, coating will fall off due to rust.

And bath mirror because placed place, need waterproof and antirust coating, so the technology is advanced, the silver mirror coating will make more clear, more realistic image. In addition, the coating with the mirror body combined close, can be a good waterproof corrosion resistant. Buy bath mirror only close viewing portraits have no vain, up or down or move the line of sight, watching the straight edge objects have no bending deformation, can know the bath mirror coating quality.

Of course, bath mirror antifogging function is also very important, in order to avoid bathing back to foggy mirror, will let the mirror with anti fog function. Anti mist mirror for sale home furnishing market on the electrothermal Antifog, power after the mirror temperature through heating, rapid evaporation fog, so that the mirror can not form the fog layer. But anti mist mirror usually expensive.

In the purchase of the bathroom mirror, should be positive, negative side, multi angle to observe the quality of a person, look in the mirror only pay attention to their own image in the mirror, and not to pay attention to the linear objects in mirror far away, when you gently move the line of sight, if linear objects without bending deformation, which is a quality is absolutely good the mirror.

Pay attention to the bathroom, a good selection of bathroom products and sanitary ware, can create a good bathroom environment.

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